What began as a simple consult grew quickly into a collaboration. Using our experience working with exotic hardwoods to form our own original designs, we were able to meet the stringent requirements needed to create a worthy companion piece to DYNAVAP‘s elegant and innovative line of analogue dry herb vaporizers. The result, we are proud to say, is the aptly named DynaStash.

 dynastash omni m

Designed to house the highly engineered DynaVap vaporizers, the DynaStash allows you to safely load, vape, and quickly store a heated vaporizer in a tidy and efficient manner. Available in some of the worlds most impressive hardwoods, the DynaStash compliments both your personal style, and that of the sleek designs created by DynaVaps combination of wood, titanium, and steel segments.

Much like Futo, DynaVap believes in the value of injecting style into the objects that inhabit our every day lives. We both produce our products hands-on with quality and durability held to the highest standards. Currently the DynaStash starts its life at Futo and shipped to the DynaVap headquarters. That means while Futo products are made entirely in Canada, and DynaVaps vaporizers are made entirely in the USA, the DynaStash is a North American product born of a shared passion for quality and innovation.
